1. Take a covid-19 test
Despite the facts that the destination you're going doesn't require a covid test, but its still your responsibility to make sure that you didn't bring a virus wherever you go. 

2. Make sure the destination you're visiting is not a high risked area
You can check on the internet is the place you're visiting is a high risked area or not. By checking it, you already protect yourself and people around you from covid-19. You can visit places with few cases so you'll get low chance of getting covid.

3. Wear your mask throughout your travel
Airlines require that you wear a mask while in the airport and on the aircraft right now. But there are exceptions to this rule, such as when you're eating or drinking.Sure, you could "sip on your cup of water" maskless your whole flight, but...just don't. Wearing your mask not only protects you from catching COVID-19, it prevents you from spreading the virus to other people if you're ill and don't know it. And while you may not have severe symptoms, someone else on your flight could be at high risk for developing severe complications while ill with COVID-19. It's best to think of wearing a mask as a social contract between you and everyone else on your flight. During a pandemic, it's simply the right thing to do.

4. Carry hand sanitizer and avoid touching your face

The virus is everywhere. You wouldn't know if the escalator, trash bin, sink you touched is hygienic or not. To make sure, please always wear hand sanitizer and avoid touching face. Face itself is a main entrance to the virus. By not touching your face, you are avoiding the spread of the virus.

5. Avoid crowded area
In crowded area, there risk of being contracted is a lot more higher. Make sure the places you visit is not crowded. Keep obey the health protocols which is social distancing. Make sure you keep 1-2 meters away from anyone. 
